Why is Brave not an ordinary browser?
Brave is a browser that respects its consumer’s privacy and helps them keep their personal data private. Brave is a more decentralized system, it does not sell your data to advertisers without your permission.

How does it work?
In the first place, it is a browser. It does not show ads until you allow brave to show ads. It does not look for profits from the advertisers, but it lets you have 70% of the money for the ads you see. You can choose how many ads you want to see per hour and you will be reward by Brave for seeing ads.

How does Brave pay you?
You spent your valuable time downloading invasive ad technology that transmitted your precious private data to advertisers — without your consent. But when using brave your time and attention are valued and you get BAT which means Basic Attention Token. It is the value you get for your attention you give to ads. And it also monitors what sites you visit and pays the sites your BATs based on the time you spend monthly. You can remove sites you don’t want to support, and tip creators directly too.
Where do these BATs live?
These BATs are stored in your local brave crypto wallet. But you can connect it to any other crypto wallet you want to. You can withdraw it using your Uphold account if you have connected it with your Brave wallet.

There are many ways to make money with Brave browser. I am not going to focus on that topic in this blog. There are a lot of ways to make money using this decentralized browser. It has huge potentials and it is laying the path to the future and privacy.
Hope you like this, so go on use Brave Browser from today and learn more about it.
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